
Social Media Monitoring


Track Your Customer Reviews Across Social Media Platforms with Wiseback.
Social media platforms play a critical role in shaping customer experience. Wiseback introduces its social media monitoring service to strengthen your digital reputation and effectively manage customer experience across all channels. Easily monitor customer reviews on Google Play, App Store, Google Business, Instagram, Şikayetvar, Ekşisözlük, Twitter, Facebook, and many more from a single point!

Omni-channel Platform

Your customers talk about their experiences with your business on various social media platforms. Businesses may overlook comments on social media that fall outside active customer feedback channels. Data collected outside existing customer experience management platforms is often reported independently from experience data. Wiseback integrates each social media platform as a channel within the omni-channel experience management platform.

Wiseback tracks customer reviews on popular social media platforms at hourly or daily intervals as per your preference. Google Play, App Store, Google Business, Instagram, Şikayetvar, Ekşisözlük, and more! All experience data converges into a single point, providing you with the insights you need.social-media-monitor-comments

Easily track all customer feedback from different platforms through the Wiseback interface without the need to search on different platforms. Wiseback’s robust artificial intelligence algorithms automatically analyze open-ended comments, providing you with meaningful insights.





AI-Powered Analysis

Wiseback’s AI service groups open-ended comments by subject and main topic, interpreting and creating valuable insights for your business. Comparative impact analysis by topic, tag cloud, and periodic happiness comparison are visible at a glance.

We convert your social media scores into a percentage happiness rate, making it easy for you to compare all platforms.



The analysis of open-ended customer reviews remains a challenge for businesses. Wiseback’s AI service automatically performs sentiment analysis on open-ended responses, helping you understand how your customers feel at a glance.




Meet Wiseback

Would you like to review your business’s end-to-end customer experience processes, utilize technology effectively, and propel the customer experience you offer into the future? For more information about Wiseback solutions, feel free to contact us.